Thursday, June 18, 2009

Inspection Day

I haven't been able to update the blog due to crazy schedule. I'm working 6-2:30 at work, then moving some boxes, and doing little things to the new house. Today is inspection day. Cross your fingers that we pass. We got carpet and a refrigerator yesterday. The carpet is plushy. We were all rolling all over it last night. We have a snag though. The doors to the closets and bedrooms won't go back on. The carpet is too high. We have to cut the bottoms off 6 doors. Grandpa is not going to be a happy camper. I'm not going to tell him until Sat. am when he arrives. Otherwise he may never come back. I will update w/ pics hopefully after this weekend. The closing on Winnebago house is 11 am Monday. I hope it goes well.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Not having as much fun as in the beginning

Okay - not having bunches of fun any more!! Really worried about getting everything done for the inspection. I haven't heard exactly when the closing on the Winnebago house is, but we think it is June 22nd. Where are we going to live if we don't get the other house done? I need to be more optimistic. It will all work out okay.

Only 3 days of school left. Next week is Art and Science in the Woods, then after that they are on their own.

Monday the "guys" put in steps in the garage and permanent steps to the basement. No more using bricks to get into the house.
Tues. the electricians started putting in the fixtures. Ceiling fan in the great room.

Foyer light. Apparently the this light and the dining room light are very heavy. They are going to work on the dining room one tomorrow.

This is our master bdrm light.

This is the light in the closets. It is weird to see them finally up. It was so hard to visualize them when we picked them out. I hope some of them grow on me.

The girls' lights.

On Monday the girls, the dog, the cat and I spent a couple hours at the new house while the old house was being inspected. I decided to start staining the back windows. I only got 2 done. I guess if all the windows don't get stained before we move, it is no big deal. I'm just afraid that it won't get done after we move in.

This is the wall sconce for the stairs to the basement. It is kind of cool.

This weekend we will finish the wood floor - Dad is cutting the final pieces at work. We are going to work on the trim for the bedrooms, so the carpet can be put in. (which we can't decide on) There are 4 doors left to install. Then if we have extra time - LOL - we might put up some upper cabinets. I was going to install the closet hardware, but if there is any $ left in the kitty, I might have Dan do it. I need to call him and see if all the cost overruns have depleted the construction loan.